I'm Being Sued Personally And So Is DownWithTyranny

I just got home from a couple of weeks in Southeast Asia on Tuesday and early Wednesday morning there's a rapping on my door. It's someone serving a 60 page summons. I have no time to read that but I skimmed enough of it to see that I'm one of dozens of people accused by Republican murderer Don Blankenship and that the charge is "weaponized defamation" and that he wants $12 billion dollars for destroying his Senate race. Presumably he was referring to these. Other defendants named included MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, the Daily Beast, both the NRCC and the DSCC, Dan Rather, Chris Hayes, Joy-Ann Reid, Breitbart News, Andrew Napolitano, the Associated Press, The Guardian, dozens of other people-- plus between 1 and 50 John and Jane Does. I think Mitch McConnell is being sued by him too. But not Trump; I wonder why not Trump, since it was Trump who caused Blankenship to lose the GOP primary. I have 21 days to respond.This is what the Huntington Herald Dispatch published about the suit: "Former Massey Energy CEO and U.S. Senate candidate Don Blankenship on Thursday filed a lawsuit seeking at least $12 billion in damages from a variety of national news and political organizations, claiming they set out on a 'search and destroy' mission against his 2018 candidacy for the Senate. The lawsuit, filed in Mingo County Circuit Court, claimed the 'DC establishment swamp and the establishment media united ... to take out Mr. Blankenship' in his bid for election. He argued in the suit that repeated references about him in the media as a "convicted felon" as damaging his bid, even though he was not convicted of any felonies in relation to the Upper Big Branch mine explosion in Raleigh County in 2010 that killed 29 miners."

The lawsuit claims that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, instigated a clandestine campaign to damage Blankenship's candidacy and interfere in a federal election. He also accused McConnell of using his contacts in "the establishment media," Fox News in particular, to do McConnell's bidding.Blankenship, who grew up in Mingo County and graduated from Matewan High School before entering Marshall University and graduating from there in 1972, was sentenced in 2016 for a misdemeanor conviction of conspiring to violate federal mine safety standards at Upper Big Branch. He was acquitted of felonies that could have stretched his sentence to 30 years. He served a one-year prison term for the conviction.In late 2017 he announced his Republican candidacy for the Senate position held by Democrat Joe Manchin, whom Blankenship has blamed for the charges against him.

Blankie spent $4,015,000 of his own money on the failed primary campaign. He did poorly:

• Patrick Morrisey- 47,571 (34.92%)• Evan Jenkins- 39,888 (29.28%)• Don Blankenship- 27,153 (19.93%)• Tom Willis- 13,322 (9.78%)• Bo Copley- 4,206 (3.09%)• Jack Newbrough- 4,080 (3.0%)

Then he tried running on the Constitution Party. But the state's Court of Appeals, citing West Virginia's "sore loser" law, denied him ballot access.What's this all have to do with me? Blankie is a total snowflake and he gets freaked out when anyone mentioned he served a year in prison and was responsible for killing 29 coal miners. He doesn't like people running videos like this: