Hitchens: ‘Excessive COVID Fears Have Completely Changed the Country’

Have government and the mainstream media gone too far in amplifying the risks and dangers to public health over Coronavirus? First they ordered the public to stay at home in order to ‘Save the NHS’ and save lives, and now as the virus has almost disappeared from public health statistics, the government of Boris Johnson is ordering the nation to wear face masks in stores and public spaces in order to supposedly stop the spread of the virus – after previously giving advice that masks were not needed outside medical and care settings.
“They deliberately stirred up excessive fear at the beginning, which has completely changed the nature of the country,” says Peter Hitchens.
He adds that, “What we had before was a country that was used to the disciplines of work, used to the disciplines of commuting…that link has now been broken.”
In this episode, talkRADIO’s Mike Graham speaks with UK journalist Peter Hitchens about how the government has instilled “excessive fear” of a coronavirus ‘second wave’ which has fundamentally altered the way people feel about returning to work. The result has been an economic free-fall which has no end in sight. Watch:

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