Has a Peaceful Protest over Government Over-reach Been Corrupted by Outside Influence in Burns, Oregon?

Questions & Potentially Serious Ramifications
On Saturday, January 2, 2015, a peaceful protest took place in Burns, Oregon. This protest had been planned for some time as an effort to bring attention to an ongoing legal case involving a local ranching family, the Hammonds.  Many people gathered, both from the Burns area, and from around the west, to march in support of Dwight and Steven Hammond, father and son, who have been ordered to return to prison for setting two fires on their own land.  Fires that subsequently spread to neighboring Bureau of Land Management property, leading to Dwight and Steve Hammond being prosecuted under the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996.  People came to protest because they believe the Hammonds have already paid the penalty for those fires, and that the Federal government is over-stepping its authority by re-sentencing the men and requiring them to return to prison.  They came to protest the use of the Anti-terrorism law in the Hammond's case.  They came to protest because they fear the federal government is putting far too many restrictions on access to BLM land for ranchers and others who make use of federally held lands for profit.
The protest rally went as planned, peacefully and respectfully. Afterwards, there was a meeting at the county fairgrounds, where the situation had clearly changed.  It was announced that members of outside militia groups had driven to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters, and occupied the buildings.  This outside group includes three sons of Cliven Bundy of Nevada, who made national news in April of 2014 for his own stand-off with the BLM over grazing rights in Nevada (1).  They appear to have come to Burns, Oregon, in support of the protests for the Hammond family, but after taking over the Malheur Refuge headquarters and setting up for a prolonged, armed stand-off, they have stated much more extensive reasons for their presence.  According to an Oregon Live article, they have said that they want ranchers “who have been kicked out of the area” to “come back and reclaim their land, and the wildlife refuge will be shut down forever and the federal government will relinquish such control.”  (2)  Ammon and Ryan Bundy, Cliven Bundy's sons, have stated that “they are not looking to hurt anyone.  But they would not rule out violence if police tried to remove them.” (3)  Ammon Bundy has also said, “we're planning on staying for years, absolutely.  This is not a decision we've made at the last minute.”  They are calling their group “Citizens For Constitutional Freedom” as of today. (4)
Right from the start, there was confusion and concern over this takeover. Early media reports reflected the wariness of the local population and their lack of support for the militia group.  Questions have been raised as to why this group has taken control of this remote part of Oregon, and just who is actually behind the move.
Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward said on Sunday, “...these men came to Harney County claiming to be part of militia groups supporting local ranchers, when in reality these men had alternative motives to attempt to over throw the county and federal government in hopes to spark a movement across the United States.” (5)
Oregon Senator Ron Wyden (D) has stated that he believes outsiders are responsible for the situation. He said, "What I want to do is make sure that the next step, after that frustration, is not to be, in effect, led over the cliff by some people from outside Oregon who just seem willing to take the law into their own hands."  (6) He has also stated that he doesn't think the group has the support of most locals.
Perhaps even more interesting, and even more telling, are the voices of fellow protesters and local militia-affiliated groups. BJ Soper, a member of Central Oregon Constitutional Guard, has stated that, “not only was the community's trust hijacked by what happened, but mine was.” (7)  He is adamant that he was unaware of Bundy's plans.  And he isn't alone in asserting this.  Brandon Curtiss, a militia leader from Idaho, who assisted in organizing the protest rally held on Saturday, has also stated to the Oregonian that he didn't know of the occupation in advance. (8)  Yet another protester has expressed her own concern at length over what has taken place.  A woman who traveled to Burns to show support for the Hammond family by taking part in the protest has been willing to give her account of the events leading up to the takeover of the Malheur Refuge headquarters to Sibel Edmonds here at Boiling Frogs Post.  She has done so under the condition that her name will not be mentioned.  The following is her accounting, in her own words.

An Independent Perspective from the Rally in Burns
By An Anonymous Activist
“It was a blistering cold day as we arose at 6:30 to head to Burns, Oregon. We had never physically protested before, but this case was different.  It was clear to any lay person reading the information that the Feds (and various agencies involved) were out to take Hammond's property, any way they had to.
As the drive went on, I realized I had never really cared about what it meant to see or understand what a healthy range of land looked like. I was raised a city girl, and while I had some limited exposure to horses, I never really had time, or took the time, to ponder it all.
When we arrived (about an hour early), I was so pleased to see many American (and other) flags in the corner of the parking lot at Safeway in Burns. I glanced up at our car temperature gage, brrr, 9 degrees.  I thought, 'it's gonna be cold!'  My eyes were drawn to the many people already gathered next to those flags.  A sense of long-missed pride filled my heart.
We pulled into the parking lot and saw there was no place to park, already! My Husband dropped me off at the entrance so I could purchase some flowers and water for the walk.
He went off and checked into the motel, parked our car, and walked back to Safeway. He met me inside the store.  We picked out our things and checked out.  Everyone in the store was friendly and helpful.  I stood in the entry way, taking off my coat to add my hoodie.  The walk in was cold, and I had on a tank, a T shirt over that, and two pairs of pants.  I added my hoodie, put on my hat and gloves and we headed outside.
Some background information on the rally...it was always clearly communicated to me, and the residents of Harney County, that this was to be a peaceful rally. We were all doing this to support the Hammond Family, and to protest not only the cruel and unusual sentence they received, but their special designation as terrorists for burning grass, especially where no structures were damaged, nor were any monies or resources expended for putting the fires out.  (For background information, people are encouraged to read more at www.bundyranch.blogspot.com)  I was told no 'militia' insignia, no open carry of long guns (rifles) and that if you were going to carry a weapon, carry concealed, it was a matter of respect.
As I looked around the crowd, I did see some insignia, but most of it was on hats, a few jackets. I saw a couple of long guns (but they were not seen on the walk), some side arms (some that were clearly plain clothes Law Enforcement) and I was pretty impressed.  I thought, really, getting approximately 300 people to all do the same thing was nearly impossible, and maybe some did not get the instructions I did.
Speakers started to rally the crowd. We prayed.  Law enforcement kind of had a look like, 'I drew the easy assignment today.'
Ammon Bundy did speak at the podium, and a short time later passed me on the way up the hill...he seemed distracted, serious. I did not see Blaine Cooper or Jon Ritzheimer yesterday, though from their videos on YouTube they said they were here.  I just figured there were so many people I just did not see them.
Dwight and Susie Hammond's house was on the route the protesters took (their ranch is about 50 miles away, their son Steven and his wife life there) and they came out to greet and thank them. The protesters left their flowers.  The rally was over.  It was great and it was successful because it was peaceful and respectful, from the main group.  No disruption occurred en route.
The 'After Rally Meeting' was set up where the other community meetings were held, at the county Fairgrounds. We arrived, and we could feel things were not right, clear out in the parking lot.  When we got inside, Pete Santilli (a 'YouTuber' with a radio show, who was also at the Bundy Ranch), had the microphone.  I whispered to a friend, 'what's going on?'  They replied, 'Ammon, Jon, Blaine, and some others captured the BLM building out at the Preserve.'
We listened to several speakers, each trying to explain to angry participants what happened. 'We don't know why.'  'No, we did not know they were going to do this.'  'We have no idea why they chose the Preserve as their location, please be patient while we try to find out.'  My husband said, 'I'm uncomfortable.'  We walked out.
It is a shame, really. Several people, inside Harney County and out, had concerns about a different agenda evolving.  Some of the Patriots could see the possibility that there was an “undercurrent” of another agenda at play, but each time it was asked about, to various people, it was denied that it was happening.  One man I give a lot of credit to is BJ Soper.  I do not believe that it would have been as respectable as it was (most did not know about the other plan until well into the 1.2 mile planned route), had he not made a concerted effort to communicate with residents, militia, and participants alike.  There are quite a few others, but I think he was exceptional here.  The problem is, no matter your great, respectful, peaceful intentions, someone always has to be different...this time it is a doozy.
Many Patriots are feeling deceived and manipulated by what happened. Many question the motives or true agenda of those who chose to take the “hard stand” and what will be accomplished with this “hard stand.”  Some believe this was a maneuver to force other Patriots to take a “hard stand” too.  Others believe it is a PSYOP.
What this Patriot knows? Good question...
I know I am embarrassed for the Hammonds. Their name is being dragged through the National Press, not to bring their name and story to the public at large, but as a reason why “other terrorists” have latched onto this case...as if their case and name confirms they must be terrorists because they “attract other terrorists” to them.  What hogwash!
I do believe this much for sure; this president thinks that it is acceptable to write Executive Orders limiting or taking away rights that are codified in our Constitution as Creator-given rights, that no government can take away.  Congress is not doing its job to reign him in.  The Supreme Court thinks it writes law/usurps states' individually enacted laws.  A Formal Redress of Grievance was provided to local and state officials, asking them to investigate the Hammond's case.  They are required by law to reply.  No reply was given by any officials.  We wrote letters, signed petitions.  At what point, as a people, do we acknowledge that our government is irreversibly no longer functioning in a workable manner?  Remember, any law or authority not given specifically in our Constitution is to be considered null and void.  I would recommend people start reading our Founding Documents, to really understand what they say.
As we traveled home, I was again looking at the open range, noticing how there were very few trees. As we drove into Central Oregon, where our trees are allowed to grow, our land is “settled” with lawns and peppered with non-indigenous trees, I noticed something profound.  Our settled, un-razed (a controlled burn is called razing) land did not look nearly as healthy as the land that clearly was “handled” (intentionally or not) by fire.”

This situation is, of course, still ongoing. Dwight and Steve Hammond are reportedly peacefully returning to prison today.  An unknown number of men and women are still occupying the wildlife refuge headquarters.  So far, the response of law enforcement has been limited, although increasing.  Memories of Waco and Ruby Ridge echo, and fears remain that this standoff will end in similar fashion.  And the question remains as to why this group has chosen this location.  Who initiated the idea?  Why are they remaining in place, here, in Oregon, apparently without local invitation or support, rather than in their own home states?  In today's volatile political climate, the ramifications of this action are potentially very serious, and should be considered carefully by everyone involved.  Those of us watching and reporting on this should be evaluating these questions critically.
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Katie Aguilera is an independent researcher, author, and activist. She resides in Bend, Oregon. You can check out her blog here

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff
  1. http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2016/01/drama_in_burns_ends_with_quiet.html
  2. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2016/01/03/militia-members-occupy-us-building-in-oregon-after-protest/78226600/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=usatoday-newstopstories
  3. http://www.ktvz.com/news/refuge-occupiers-settle-in-concerns-mount-in-burns/37249044
  1. http://www.ktvz.com/news/fbi-seeks-peaceful-resolution-to-malheur-refuge-takeover/37245518
  2. http://www.ktvz.com/news/Wyden-on-takeover-Most-locals-don-t-support-outsiders/37247064
  3. http://www.bendbulletin.com/home/3875998-151/central-oregon-activists-in-burns-critical-of-occupation
  4. http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2016/01/drama_in_burns_ends_with_quiet.html