Greece now allowing same sex couples to foster children

The Greek parliament voted 161 to 103 on Wednesday to allow same sex couples to foster children. This comes as part of the country’s move to make a massive overhaul in Greece’s adoption and fostering system.
The vote came on the same day as the start of Prince Charles’ official visit to Greece.
As reported by

“Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras welcomed the result of the vote.
Syriza, his left-wing ruling party, supported the passing of the bill despite opposition from many in the junior coalition party, the right-wing Independent Greeks.

Greece long lagged behind the rest of Europe in terms of LGBT rights, but has caught up somewhat in the past three years.
In 2015, Tsipras issued an unprecedented apology to the LGBT community – as he passed the law which gave same-sex couples legal recognition.”

The SYRIZA government seems to not be satisfied with only helping in the financial bankruptcy of Greece.  It seems as if no aspect of the society will be left undisturbed, no stone left unturned.

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The post Greece now allowing same sex couples to foster children appeared first on The Duran.
