The FRAUD "Refugee Crisis" In Europe: It Never Was About "Refugees" But About Destroying Europe!

For quite a while now, I called this "refugee crisis" that has been flooding into Europe a massive fraud... I stated clearly that the reality is that these "refugees", that the Jew spew media has been trying to sell to the dumb ass and gullible people that still watch their crap, are NOT refugees at all but are in fact illegal migrant workers that the criminals that run most European nations are allowing into their countries to basically have them destroyed... It is an insult and a travesty to the people living in Europe that have developed their cultures and their identities for several thousand years only to have their own governments wipe out that identity in such a short time frame....For this article, I want to once again bring forward a most interesting article that once again proves that this "refugee" crisis that has allowed so many foreigners into European nations is a fraud and is actually being used to destroy Europe... For according to the following article, through the Investment Watch Blog website, at, a new study by "Doctors Of The World" has revealed the bitter truth that these "refugees" are nothing of the sort, but are in all actuality ILLEGAL MIGRANT WORKERS that are absolutely illegally and with help from the crooked European governments allowed to come into their nations to wreck said nations!  Here is the link to that article here, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: Again, as usual, WHY am I not shocked at all by this report and its findings?  Read it and weep, everyone....Lets face the reality here... JEWISH criminals such as George Soros and his entourage have indeed been funding these criminals and illegal migrant workers to come into Europe and create havoc in every nation they are now squatting in...... It is a travesty and sadly most European governments have the gall to allow it to continue unabated!Lets also be clear here... This has indeed been written right in the Jewish blueprint for world domination, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, that the Jewish criminals will indeed seek the destruction of their number one clear enemy, the Caucasian race, by all means necessary... What better way therefore than to bring in these foreigners into these primary Caucasian nations of Europe and have them destroyed internally through strife and by having these illegals and non-Caucasians basically take over..... And again, the stupid and ignorant European governments are in cahoots with these criminals and allowing it to happen...We have already seen nations such as Sweden and Germany now destroyed through this illegal migrant invasion, and the rest of Europe will be soon to follow......I do wonder why the European people are not already in revolt for this travesty and have their own governments overthrown for allowing it to happen? Again, I am holding no punches when it comes to this travesty that is still continuing in Europe... For it will only be a matter of time before this same travesty unfolds in North America as well as we watch our governments here allow these illegal migrants to come flooding into our nations as well....More to comeNTS