Empire, Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 123

America to the Rescue… of Dictators!!

So, America has begun bombing Syria with the support of an “international coalition” made up of five Arab dictatorships, all of which have been involved in plunging Syria into civil war and in some cases, even supporting the creating of ISIS in the first place. When it comes to the Middle East, to the Arab world, to ISIS, Syria and America’s relationship with and actions in that world, we have a game of power politics, leverage, back-room deals, deep state secrets, terrorism, tyranny, drugs and guns. As American bombs fall on Syria, it’s important to remind ourselves that they fall with the empty rhetoric of “humanitarian” considerations. The US is not bombing ISIS and Syria to help the populations of the region, but to help the most ruthless dictators in the region.
Listen to the full episode here: