Emmanuel Macron: A Pyrrhic victory?

Emmanuel Macron, will probably be the next french president but where that does leave France?
If one totals the aggregate anti-European and sovereignist votes, which include votes for Marine Le Pen, Mélenchon, Dupont-Aignan and the small candidates, the total is around 49%, which shows that the Euroscepticism of the 55% of the french who rejected the EU Constitution in 2005 is still present in the French electorate. The Socialist party has been vaporised, thanks to the epic failure and the intrigues of Hollande. Likewise, former centre-right stalwarts Les républicains will not be at the second round, thanks to the smear campaign against Fillon.

Marine Le Pen has reached the highest vote total for the Front National at 8 millions voters, but being second to Macron with barely 22% should be disappointing to her. It shows the harsh reality of the glass ceiling which separates her party from the rest of the players.
Inside the Front National, ,many feel that their time will come in the next Presidential election.
As for Macron, during his campaign he promised everything to everyone. His views were totally inconsistant.
His fantasy of gathering the French regardless of their political orientation ended in his creation of a party which is essentially flock of has-been politicians desperate to keep their jobs. Finding a majority in the next parliament will not be an easy task, even if he becomes President.
A lot of socialist MPs will probably join him, but how the voters will react to this is not a given. Les Républicains will re-group and fight like hell to get a majority, Mélenchon will also used his good numbers to gain MPs. Legislative elections has never been a strong hold for MLP, but this may change.
Without a majority and a program designed to please everybody, Macron will probably do what his mentor Hollande and most french politicians do the best, NOTHING. When it comes to tackling  record high unemployment rates, making France more secure, giving France back its sovereign power from the EU and the USA, nothing will change. The fact that Russia Today team was barred from his campaign headquarters is not a good sign at all. Political scheming and tricks between the left and the right will be the nature of the game from here on out.
READ MORE: RT banned from Macron events. Is a national ban next?
In the meantime, Marine Le Pen’s priority is to break this glass ceiling, and make her party one of government rather than one of perpetual opposition.
Doing that means taking deceive action. She has to change the name Front National which is an old party, one associated with her father and a bunch of old fascists and racists whom she needs to get rid of. She needs to keep renewing her team and embrace modernity at a stronger pace, using more her bright niece, Marion.

The results of this election shows that the French people are ready for a change, but they are still too afraid to make it at the polls. The elector’s high level of despair has allowed the people to be tricked by Macron, and the risk they will end the cuckholds of his ambition is high.
The next years will require a crucial and permanent change to the French political landscape.

The post Emmanuel Macron: A Pyrrhic victory? appeared first on The Duran.
