Elizabeth Warren Apparently Isn't Interested In Becoming Bernie's Vice President

Elizabeth Warren has let her dogs loose on Bernie. In the last week, the PCCC-- which has been respectful of Bernie while they valiantly supported their candidate... even as her campaign started sinking and laying off staff-- has gone into opposition mode against Bernie as though they were dealing with Bloomberg or Trump. I guess the results from the WBUR and UMass Amherst polls of Massachusetts primary voters, aren't going to calm them down at all. Both show Bernie leading in Warren's home state with her placing second, Bernie even beating Warren among women. That, along with expected losses everywhere else on Tuesday, would effectively end her campaign for president. She would have made such a great vice president, especially if she was VP and Secretary of something where she could kick bankster ass day in and day out.WBUR:UMass:Bernie is also seen by the most voters as the most likely candidate to be able to beat Trump:

Bernie- 27%Bloomberg- 19%Status Quo Joe- 14%Elizabeth- 12%Mayo- 5%Klobuchar- 4%Steyer- 2%Tulsi- 1%

In the one-on-one match-ups, they found Bernie with the most support against Trump as well. Obviously nearly all the Democrats would be eager to vote Trump out, although Republican oligarch Michael Bloomberg can't seem to garner the kind of support the actual Democrats do:

Bernie- 82%Elizabeth- 81%Status Quo Joe- 80%Klobuchar- 80%Mayo- 80%Bloomberg- 73%

The also asked respondents to describe each candidate with one word. I guess socialism isn't scaring off Massachusetts Democrats!Bernie:Elizabeth:Mayo:Bloomberg:Status Quo Joe:Klobuchar:Most Important 2020 Issue:WBUR reported that "The new poll is evidence of a big challenge for the Warren campaign, following disappointing results in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. It appears that now the senator faces a tough fight at home. "The Warren campaign is working hard in Massachusetts, understanding full well that a loss at home would be devastating to a presidential bid trying to regain its footing. Earlier this week, volunteers launched a canvassing effort in Cambridge, led by Congressman Joe Kennedy III, a Warren backer, who says he is not worried about Warren's fight for Massachusetts."The latest UMass polling shows incumbent Democrat Ed Markey beating Kennedy in the Senate race.Meanwhile, Elizabeth got some more bad news from CNN polling in California and Texas as well. Bernie is way ahead of her-- and everyone else-- in the two states with the biggest share of delegates up for grabs Tuesday.

In Texas, Sanders holds 29% support among likely primary voters, former Vice President Joe Biden has 20%, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg stands at 18% and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is at 15%. No other candidate reaches double-digits. Sanders (+14) and Bloomberg (+13) have posted the largest gains since a December CNN poll, while Biden has slipped 15 points. Warren has held roughly even.The California results suggest the same four contenders hold the most support, though Sanders stands well ahead of the three contending for second place. Sanders holds 35% support, Warren is at 14%, Biden is at 13% and Bloomberg is at 12%. Sanders' support in the state has climbed 15 points since December, while Biden's has slid eight points. Bloomberg has gained seven.Decisive wins for a single candidate in California and Texas-- states which will award more than 600 of the 1,991 delegates needed to secure the Democratic nomination-- could change the tenor of a race that has at times seemed headed for a protracted fight.