In-Depth Interview: Braun vs. Brown–David Shows Tough Love to Jerry on Fracking

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Anti-fracking activist David Braun challenges climate change moralist Gov. Jerry Brown to end fracking in California...David Braun of Californians Against Fracking helped lead the campaign in New York state that led Gov. Andrew Cuomo to ban fracking.  Braun has returned home to California to help Gov. Jerry Brown walk his talk on global warming.
Earlier this year at the Vatican, and now at the Paris climate change conference, Brown has used strong language denouncing inaction on reduction of carbon emissions.  As Braun carefully argues, Brown should have already banned or sharply limited hydraulic fracturing in California.  In the face of Brown's reticence, Braun has organized Faith Against Fracking, a group of faith leaders representing almost every religion.  Braun is hoping that Brown, a former seminarian, will get the message and act before he leaves office at the end of 2017.
You can get more info on Americans Against Fracking here.
