COVID-19 is a Complete Mental Construct

COVID-19 is a Complete Mental Construct, Easy To See - Definitive End of ALL Virology - Stefan Lanka 20210925
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In Silico" Science = "science" modelled in a computer (but not seen in reality = Scientism
The old virology, until 1952, considered a virus to be a toxic protein with the capability of self-replication, so the proteins themselves were considered to be the "genetic material".
In 1952 there were some experiments which showed a protein can only be replicated when there is a nucleic acid as a catalysator. From this experiment onwards, Virologists believed the nucleic acid was the genetic material.
Science relies on the Watch Maker Analogy Scientists, whether they realise it or not, rely on the idea that there is a Map of Life.
The Watchmaker analogy is a teleological argument. In simple terms, it states that because there is a design, there must be a designer.
Genetics Geneticists, who intrinsically rely on watchmaker analogy, when they could NOT sequence the whole strand, invented one!
Craig Venter is known for leading the first draft sequence of the human genome and assembled the first team to transfect a cell with a synthetic chromosome.
Shotgun Cloning - if we can not sequence entire strand, lets cut it into very short pieces of nucleic acid, dump it in a model and let that assemble it for him. MAGIC! Is COVID-19 A Construct?
A Complete Mental Construct! And its easy to see!"
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