The COVID-19 Bullshit: Vernon Coleman's Newest Video: Guarded Secrets And Blatant Deceits

I have been presenting Vernon Coleman's excellent videos now twice a week for the past while at this blog... And clearly this 'old man in a chair' with his fine speeches about the truths concerning this entire scam-demic are factual and very important information in this fight against the fuckers behind this entire fraud....I therefore want to present once again the latest video by Vernon Coleman right here for everyone to see for themselves... This one is entitled: "Guarded Secrets And Blatant Deceits" and it once again tackles the scumbags running this entire scam as well as their sick plans for all of us.... Here is that video, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  Vernon Coleman's facts in terms of the "numbers" is absolutely true... I have long come to the conclusion that this 'COVID-19 deaths and cases' numbers that they have been throwing at us are not only heavily distorted as the criminals have been classifying ALL deaths as "death by COVID-19" but these monsters have actually been 'repackaging' the deaths that we usually see from other respiratory diseases as "died from COVID-19" as well!  To me, that is especially criminal and something that should have EVERYONE up in arms!I also have been alarmed on how so many people who have indeed serious health issues have been unable to get treatment in the EMPTY hospitals here in central Canada, as those health care facilities have been so heavily focused in on treatment of 'COVID-19' patients that are actually NON-EXISTENT... Thus many who should be able to access proper health treatments for their ailments are suffering quietly at home and many are indeed dying due to lack of that proper care!!Another great Vernon Coleman video... And one that may eventually see the 'ban hammer' of the evil sickos behind Youtube... Please take this one and pass it around to others, along with Vernon Coleman's previous videos.... Censorship must not be allowed to continue!More to comeNTS