The COVID-19 Bullshit: Only Sociopaths Reject The "New Normal" (!)

I continue to try to do my day to day business without wearing a gawd awful face covering... And recently I have encountered some strange and disturbing individuals that have flat out told me that I was "not caring about others" for being 'selfish' by not wearing a face covering... I did try my best to retort to those individuals that their own face coverings were the REAL problem for all they were doing was making themselves sick....  It is indeed very disturbing these days to find those who know the real truth being subjected to increasing harassment and hate from these 'face mask police' that are increasing in numbers and violent behaviour!I have already shown in a few previous articles at this blog how the criminals in charge are doing anything and everything possible now to vilify those who are smart enough and brave enough to be out there without face coverings.. .And there have been some recent articles put out by those criminals that have called those who do not wear face masks "sociopaths" and "psychotics"..... I have read some of those 'articles' and what I found was pure garbage based on ZERO real facts and ZERO research... But the facts are that many are actually reading such garbage and are believing in what they are stating without using their own rational and critical thinking skills that would show the articles to be pure gibberish and trash!Which leads me to the following very important article that was just released yesterday by James Corbett, that I definitely want to share with my readers here... This one is entitled: "Only Sociopaths Reject The New Normal" and does indeed take a close look at how the criminals are basically "upping the ante" so to speak in their efforts to force everyone to COMPLY with their ludicrous demands and orders, and are now threatening those who do NOT comply to be listed as psychologically damaged and/or 'Sociopaths"!  Here is that video, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I decided to sit down and actually look at that report out of Brazil, and I could not believe the level of ignorance and stupidity coming out of those so called 'experts'... To me, that entire fraudulent article is based on false assertions and very BAD "science" with NO basis on facts....Well, what does this all mean?  Am I now considered a 'sociopath' for wanting to not muzzle up and accept what ever the criminals want to brainwash me with or inject into my body?   I do not think so, for I do not want to see what happened in the former Soviet Union where they did indeed lock up anyone who did not agree with the Communist ideologies and basically used them for medical and psychological brainwashing tests, happen here in Canada....I therefore reject this idea of a "new normal", for it is not even close to anything 'normal'.... I will continue to push against the criminal agenda and absolutely reject and laugh at anyone that tries to call me a "nut", "kook", "mental case" or of course a "sociopath" for rejecting the stupidity of face masks, social distancing, and especially the horrid 'vaccines' that the bastards want to unleash on all of us.... I do hope that others do feel the same way and are fighting back as well..More to comeNTS