The COVID-19 Bullshit: Manitoba Official COVID-19 Report For Wednesday August 26th 2020: More Cases To Continue The Scare Mongering, But Still NOBODY Dies From This "Virus"!

I continue to marvel at the sheer arrogance of the criminals running this province with their bullshit COVID-19 scare tactics and fear mongering.... They screamed yesterday that this province suddenly had ONE more 'death' that they claim was from this supposedly 'deadly virus', but of course not telling anyone that this latest victim was a 90+ year old elderly person already in a nursing home that was probably already very frail and very ill from some OTHER health issue... Apparently these pricks are now doing much the same that other criminal governments have been doing elsewhere, which is to label ALL deaths and especially those in nursing homes, as 'died from COVID-19'!  And of course the Jewish controlled media laps it all up and throws it in our faces saying "OH MY GAWD!!! Another death from the deadly virus.. Run to the hills!!"...Well, once again I just got the latest 'numbers' from today's "official Manitoba  COVID-19 report" as issued by the criminals just a while ago, and I do want to present that continuing bullshit and sheer manipulation here for all to see for themselves.. .First, here are their 'official numbers' in their usual alphabetical order:(a) Now 1043 total cases in nearly a full 23 weeks since the 'state of emergency' was declared back in mid-March.  This is an increase of '25' cases from yesterday's report of  "1018" cases in total...(b) Now there are '8' cases in all of Manitoba's hospitals, and there is still only ONE person sitting in an intensive care unit in all of Manitoba's hospitals as well.. This is an increase of ONE from yesterday's report of '7' cases in all of Manitoba's hospitals...(c) STILL only "13" deaths in total in the nearly 23 weeks full time frame since mid-March... NO new deaths since yesterday's report of '12' and every one of these deaths ALL had 'underlying issues'...(d) Now there are '622' recovered cases of this supposedly 'deadly virus' for all of Manitoba.. This is an increase of "16" from yesterday's report of '606' recovered cases in total since mid-March...(e) Now there are "408" active cases for all of Manitoba, which is an increase of '9' active cases from yesterday's report of '399' active cases.. And all of these 'cases' are suspicious at best thanks to the total inaccuracy of the "PCR tests"...Honestly, I am not in the least bit surprised by what I see with today's report.. More manipulation of course of the numbers and clearly they are fudging the entire report to try to drive up the number of 'active cases'.. But still the ONLY factor that anyone should be concerned about are the number of DEATHS....OK, Time to once again take their numbers and rip them all to smithereens as I usually do on a daily basis.. And once again I will do so in the same alphabetical order as presented above here:(a) Yes, they did find 25 more SUCKERS who were stupid enough to go out and be 'tested' to try to drive this 'total cases' number a bit higher.... And the propaganda is out there screaming that we now have well over 1000 cases in total for Manitoba as well.. .But as usual, they are not telling the full picture in that a REAL pandemic would have TENS OF THOUSANDS of total patients in this nearly 23 week time frame... Thus this "1043" continues to be nothing more than a laughable joke and insult to anyone's intelligence..(b) Again, more manipulation as they are clearly grabbing another sucker and throwing him into a hospital and falsely claiming him to have 'severe' COVID-19 "symptoms"..... But even this '8' number is such an insult for a REAL pandemic would see thousands in our hospitals here in Manitoba right now.... And it is so beyond ridiculous that they claim that our health care workers are overworked and strained, when the reality is that they continue to sit around and do sweet fuck all!(c) Again, THIS is the only 'number' that really matters, and even this '13' total deaths in nearly 23 weeks from this 'deadly virus' is an insult... If this was a REAL pandemic and a REAL 'deadly virus', the death toll for Manitoba alone would probably be approaching a thousand for that 23 week time frame... Must I also remind everyone that EVERY ONE of these '13' deaths did NOT die FROM this 'deadly virus' but from other diseases that each one was already suffering from... And some 11 out of the 13 deaths were ELDERLY and most were in nursing homes as I explained above as well... This is clearly manipulation and classifying ALL deaths as 'died from COVID-19'....(d) I have said many times that these pricks continue to play around with this 'recovered' number just to keep it suppressed as much as they can to drive up the 'active cases' count, and I keep being proven right.. Ever so often though, they cannot avoid putting more into this category, and this 'recovered' number clearly shows that nobody actually dies from this 'deadly virus' and in almost ALL cases the victim does indeed recover... So again , where the fuck is this 'deadly virus' at all??(e) Yes, '9' more active cases, and the new '25' that they got overall are indeed coming from that fraudulent "PCR testing" that is so badly inaccurate and should never have been used for this scam-demic in the first place as all it gives are 'false positives'..... But again, they need to drive up this 'active case' count to drive the fear factor and keep everyone at the mercy of these lying pricks!Well there you go.. .Another day in "paradise" or what I used to call the free province of Manitoba.. .But the pricks running the show are continuing with this entire scam-demic as they do indeed have their marching orders and are told to keep everyone in isolation, and in fear, until the horrible 'vaccine' is unleashed on us all.And again, the ONLY number that should matter in all this are the number of DEATHS during this entire scam-demic... With only 13 deaths that they can somehow claim to be caused by this 'deadly virus' they should have been ridiculed from the beginning, for the fact that during any 23 week period of time for this province of 1.35 Million people, you would have hundreds of people dying from REAL respiratory illnesses, and even dozens dying from car crashes or from simply falling down and dying.. And yet you do not see those other causes of death classified as 'pandemics' at all, right??And again the sad part in all this are the weak minded and mentally challenged individuals who swallowed the fear mongering and allowed themselves to become so filled with anxiety and fear that they have taken their own lives through suicides.... There has not been one iota of any reports anywhere about the number of deaths from that horrible notion for this province for the last 23 weeks, and I am not surprised, for it would definitely be at least 100+ and counting! I cannot stress enough that we should hold the criminals in the Pallister government here in Manitoba fully accountable for the horrible damages their stupidity with this scam-demic has caused.... These criminals must not escape justice for the crimes they have done, especially in regards to the people that have taken their lives through suicides... Every one of the Pallister government group of criminals must be put on trial and then summarily hanged for what they did to destroy this province!  The people of Manitoba must NOT let these pricks escape that justice...More to comeNTS