The COVID-19 Bullshit: Brave Italian Doctor Lays It Out - COVID-19 Is A Mass Depopulation Program Via Poisonous Vaccinations! Updated!

I have now done nearly 500 articles at this blog over the last 7 months tackling exclusively this COVID-19 bullshit and all of its implications.... I have long been asked what I get out of this, and I again must state clearly that I am in this for NO gains and NO glory, period... I would honestly rather be writing OTHER articles at this blog, but getting everyone to wake the fuck up from this entire scam-demic is far too important and thus it will continue to be the main target of this entire blog and its writings for the foreseeable future until we have the bastards behind the entire scam beat.I came to the swift conclusion the moment the  bastards launched this entire scam-demic that they were indeed willing to destroy our economies, our societies, and our very lives if necessary, just to have everyone put into so much fear, anxiety, and anguish, that the people would accept anything just to end this 'pandemic'....And their solution has always been to have everyone 'vaccinated' as part of a massive depopulation agenda! Luckily, I have gained a LOT of valuable allies, associates, and true patriots, over these last few months that are all wanting exactly the same things that I want... And they continue to send me a lot of articles and videos for me to look over and possibly put up at this blog for others to see as well... I again cannot thank them enough for their efforts!One video link was sent my way yesterday, and I absolutely do want to share it here for everyone to see for themselves... This one has a doctor Roberto Petrella out of Italy explaining flat out EXACTLY what this entire scam-demic is all about including all of its implications, and I do have it right here for everyone to see for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: As the commentators said to me, this is indeed a bombshell and does show that many doctors are finally sick and tired of this entire scam-demic and are willing to put their careers on the line just to get the real truth out...And this video does vindicate exactly what I and others have been saying all along about this entire scam-demic... It is a horrific agenda for mass vaccination that will absolutely lead to mass extermination of our population.... And it is absolutely part of the criminals' long standing plans as laid out in "Agenda 21" and "Agenda 2030".....And as usual, I do hope that everyone gets this video out to everyone around them, for the bastards behind Youtube will undoubtedly have it removed from their site under the false pretense of 'violating their standards'.... We therefore must do our parts in spreading the message!And as a final note.. As this doctor says, absolutely do NOT take the fucking "PCR tests" period.  That scam is being used criminally to get as many 'false positives' as these bastards can to continue the entire fraud!  I for one will never ever subject myself to that fucking testing, and I do hope that others do not as well..More to comeNTS*Update, August 27th:  It figures.. The bastards at Jew-Tube would not let this video survive for too long..Luckily, I do have the link to this video, and again it is dynamite to watch: I will have the Bitchute link when it does become available.