The COVID-19 Bullshit: Are The Criminals Getting Their "Numbers" By Killing The Elderly? Like I Said Before, ABSOLUTELY!

Well... Today is day one in what I can now safely say is the world of insanity here in central Canada... For the FIRST time, I had to go into a store this morning and don a face diaper or I was going to be barred from entry.... I obliged, but I found it such a horrendous experience that I will share with everyone..Putting on the face diaper was aggravating enough, but I found that within 5 minutes I simply could not fucking BREATHE.... I am a person who perspires a lot, and the fucking stupid face covering had me sweat a few water droplets into the fucking material, and after a short time I found myself breathing in my own sweat and exhaled material and it was FUCKING SICKENING.. The smell alone after less than 5 minutes was revolting, and I found that I had to constantly pull the fucking diaper down just so I could inhale real air into my nose...The other sad part was walking around that store and people looking at everyone else like they were fucking criminals!  The masks alone covered up everyones' facial expressions and to me that is absolutely horrendous and against everything that makes us human beings... People have long grown accustomed to watching other's facial expressions just to understand that person, but now with the fucking face coverings that ability is gone and all we have are idiotic zombies...Needless to say, but the moment I got out of that establishment, the first thing I did was tear the fucking face diaper off and throw it in the garbage...  I walked to my car, put the groceries in the trunk, and drove off thinking "We as a society are absolutely being fucked royally, and the pricks in charge are doing it while laughing in our faces!".....Anyways, onto the real subject at hand for this report, and it has to do with what I have been screaming about for a very long time, especially in my daily COVID-19 bullshit reports that expose the lies of that dastardly criminal provincial government here in Manitoba... That is of course how these evil pricks are indeed using the ELDERLY to drive up their fucking 'numbers' and continue the illusion that there is this big bad 'pandemic' out there!   It is so disgusting and immoral and yet the fucking sheep out there are allowing it to continue to happen...And I am not alone, for apparently Youtube user Peekay Censored, out of one of the ultimate hotspots in the world today where the criminals are purposely fucking with the people, Melbourne Australia, has just filed earlier today a most interesting video that does indeed expose the FACT that the elderly are indeed being targeted by the evil bastards behind this scam-demic, and are  using their DEATHS as a means of driving up their 'numbers' to generate FEAR, FEAR, and more FEAR.... HERE in fact is Peekay's video and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I must say that Peekay Censored is one individual who has been ALL OVER this scam-demic from the very beginning and continues to file daily reports at his Youtube channel... I do recommend that people keep tabs of what he states, for it is absolutely true and shows how the fuckers are indeed using Melbourne Australia as one of their 'testing sites' for further putting everyone into basically prisons, before they unleash that same horror on the rest of the world..And of course, I am most interested in the very well being of the elderly as my own mother, now in her 90's is also locked up in an elderly 'detention facility' aka 'senior home' right here in Manitoba and she is unable to even  have her children visit her without having to suffer horrendous restrictions...And I can guarantee that the criminals up here in Canada are indeed 'offing' the elderly on a constant basis and absolutely tagging their deaths as 'death by COVID-19' to drive up their numbers... It is disgusting and absolutely a wake up call for everyone....Our elderly are absolutely just "lambs to the slaughter" for these evil pricks behind this scam-demic, and the sooner people wake the fuck up and do something about it, the sooner our elderly can be saved from being purposely killed just to keep this scam-demic going...More to comeNTS