Constituents Are Petitioning Colleen Hanabusa To Resign From The Corrupt New Dems

The Republican wing of Hawaii's Democratic Party-- Colleen and EdSince getting into Congress, Colleen Hanabusa was been a disgrace to the Democratic Party, always eager to do the bidding of the Wall Street special interests and of the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned the country about when Hanabusa was just ten years old. And now she's running a nasty primary campaign against one of Hawaii's two progressive U.S. Senators, Brian Schatz, because she'd like to get into the Senate, where her votes will be worth more to the special interests that pay off her and her husband.In the 2010 open special election for the remainder of Neil Abercrombie's term, Hanabusa and Blue Dog/New Dem, Ed Case-- each consumed with personal ambition and the kind of ugly careerism that has driven both of their shady political lives-- split the vote and allowed Republican Charles Djou to win the seat. Case dropped out of the general election and Hanabusa faced a weak primary opponent, who she beat and then went on to defeat Djou in November.Case bragged to birther-friendly blog Hawaii Reporter last year that Hanabusa was the only member of Hawaii's congressional delegation who refused to endorse Hirono against him. He and Hanabusa are ideological pals, dating back to their days in the state legislature leading anti-union "reforms" in the late '90s. When they ran against each other for Congress in 2010, Hanabusa notably didn't attack Case for being a Blue Dog or New Dem or for voting to defund Planned Parenthood. The first time Hanabusa ran for office was 1998. Hawaii voters were faced with a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. Hanabusa ran on a platform of supporting the ballot measure-- opposing same-sex marriage. She steadfastly held that position for 15 years, even after the state Democratic Party platform and President Obama endorsed same-sex marriage. It was only this year-- as she's facing a progressive in next year's Senate primary-- that she changed her official position. No wonder Hirono won't endorse her-- and no wonder much of the Hirono campaign staff is working for Schatz!Unwisely, many progressive organizations unfamiliar with her sleazy reputation and her conservative record, endorsed her in 2010-- only to watch in dismay as she made common cause with GOP reactionaries like Buck McKeon and Randy Forbes and then joined Ed Case's New Dem Caucus herself. Now has a petition up asking her to resign from the New Dems. The woman who created the petition, Karen Chun from Maui Paddle, explained it this way: and various other progressive and environmental organizations endorsed Hanabusa in the 2010 House election based on her promise not to join the Blue Dogs (like her opponent). She betrayed (in spirit) that promise by joining the Blue Dog successor organization, New Democrat Coalition (NDC). NDC has been called "The Coalition Pharma and Wall Street Love" by Pro Publica who says its "close relationship with several hundred Washington lobbyists has made their organization one of the most successful political money machines since the Republican K Street Project."

The petition itself asks Hanabusa to "renounce your membership in the Blue Dog successor organization, New Democrat Coalition. This organization has worked to weaken financial regulations, shape health care reform to favor the insurance companies, fatten the wallets of defense contractors and has become the successor the corrupt K Street Project. It serves to funnel Wall Street, Defense Contractor and Big Ag money into your pockets at the expense of those of us who elected you to serve OUR interests-- not the interests of these big corporations." Do you think she'll quit the organization? I doubt it. Apart from EMILY's List, it's one of her biggest sources of funds for her race against Schatz.If you live in Hawaii, please take a look at the petition and consider signing it. Not sure? Watch this short video by Alan Grayson... it might help you make up your mind: