The Chinese Defence Ministry Spokesman Ren Guoqiang has made a statement during his monthly briefing reiterating China’s position on the Korean crisis.
The statement reiterated China’s continuing commitment to the joint Sino-Russia peace plan for Korea, the so-called ‘double-freeze’ which calls for the DPRK to immediately cease its missile launches and calls for the US and South Korea to cease their military drills, missile launches and delivery of the THAAD missile systems to Korean soil.
China and Russia also both call for direct talks between Washington and Pyongyang.
Finally, China has said quite frankly that it “will not allow war” to occur on the Korean peninsula.
It is crucial that unlike many previous statements, today’s was made not by the Chinese Foreign Ministry but by the Defense Ministry. This sends a clear message that the People’s Liberation Army will not tolerate any military action by foreign powers on the Korean peninsula, namely the United States.
This is the first time that the Chinese Defence Ministry has clearly made such a statement with previous allusions to such things deriving from the Chinese media.
A similar ironclad commitment to the ‘double-freeze’ was further made at yesterday’s session of the United Nations Security Council by Russia’s Ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya.
He stated,

“There can be no military solution to the issues on the Korean Peninsula. We believe that all the United Nations Security Council resolutions on North Korea must specify this condition”.

This is another clear example of China and Russia speaking with a singular voice on a crucial issue of geo-political security.
READ MORE: in Analysis, Latest, News Venezuela, Afghanistan and North Korea–3 conflicts which represent the US vs. China and Russia
The post CHINESE DEFENSE MINISTRY: War in Korea ‘NOT ALLOWED’ appeared first on The Duran.
