California's 2016 Propositions-- A Voter Guide

There are 17 propositions on the California ballot in November. Vote-by-mail started Monday so I figured that instead of waiting, I'd do a quick rundown of the propositions with the DWT recommendations. Candidate recommendations will be coming soon.Vote yes.Vote yes.Vote no. Prop 53 is an important one to defeat. It's basically an initiative of right-wing millionaires who are trying to hijack the system so as not to pay their fair share, as usual.Vote no.Vote yes.Vote yes.Vote Yes.Vote Yes. This one repeals the ban on bilingual education. Vote yes. This instructs California's elected representatives to working towards overturning Citizens United.Vote no... I guess. I'm not 100% sure on this but it seems a little too authoritarian for comfort.Vote yes. Prop 61 is the important one Bernie has been campaigning for. There are an awful lot of phony TV spots paid for by Big Pharma against it. It's going to mean lower drug prices. Gaius went into the importance of this proposition at the end of August. Vote yes on 62. Ideally, I'm not opposed to the death penalty. If Justice really were blind, I'm be a bid advocate. But Justice isn't and the rich always seem to get off while the poor fry. The racial component of death penalty cases is horrifying and the main reason I oppose the death penalty in practice.Vote yes. This will keep more guns and ammo out of the hands of people who should have neither. Example, if you are convicted of gun theft, you're not allowed to own a firearm. Does that sound too radical a notion? The initiative also strengthens background checks, always an excellent idea.Vote yes on 64 to legalize marijuana.Vote no. This is a really deceptive initiative-- very anti-environment but disguised as pro-environment being pushed by plastic bag manufacturers. It's meant to confuse voters who want to support Prop. 67.Vote no.Vote yes. This is the real pro-environment proposition.