Bill O’Reilly refuses to apologize for insulting Vladimir Putin

“Apparently, the Putin administration in Moscow [is] demanding that I — your humble correspondent — apologize for saying ‘Old Vlad’ is a killer,” O’Reilly said on his Fox show. “So I’m working on that apology, but it might take a little time. Might want to check in with me around 2023.”
On Monday, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov had called O’Reilly remarks about Putin, which he made during the weekend interview with Donald Trump, “insulting” and “unacceptable,”  adding that the Kremlin expects an apology “from such a respected TV company.”
READ MORE: Russia demands apology after Bill O’Reilly calls Vladimir Putin “a killer”
Below is a transcript from the part of the interview which sparked outrage in Moscow:

O’Reilly:  Do you respect Putin?
Trump: I do respect him. But…
O’Reilly:  Do you? Why?
Trump: Well, I respect a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get along with them. He is the leader of his country. I say it’s better to get along with Russia than not. Will I get along with him? I have no idea.
O’Reilly: But he’s a killer though. Putin’s a killer.
Trump: There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country is so innocent? You think our country is so innocent?
O’Reilly: I don’t know of any government leaders that are killers in America
Trump: Well…take a look at what we’ve done too. Made a lot of mistakes. A lot of mistakes. A lot of people were killed.

The post Bill O’Reilly refuses to apologize for insulting Vladimir Putin appeared first on The Duran.
