Biden: If there were not an Israel, we would have to invent one

Press TV – October 2, 2013

The United States would have invented Israel if it did not exist already, said US Vice President Joe Biden on Monday, highlighting the depth of Israel’s influence on the American political system.
Biden made the remark during a speech at a pro-Israel lobbying organization called J Street in Washington D.C. He also pointed out several times to President Barack Obama’s commitment to Israel.
There’s a moral connection between the US and Israel, Biden said, but there also are clear national security interests.
“If there were not an Israel, we would have to invent one to make sure our interests were preserved,” Biden said. “America’s support for Israel’s security is unshakable, period, period, period.”
He added, “The president and I are absolutely devoted to the survival of Israel.”
The vice president claimed that Iran’s nuclear energy program is a threat to Israel’s existence and said we can’t accept such a threat to global peace and security. Iran has repeatedly rejected such allegations saying its nuclear program has peaceful purposes only.
Biden’s speech comes as Israel reportedly possesses hundreds of nuclear warheads.
On Monday, President Obama repeated his threats of military action against Iran after a meeting with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif criticized Obama for his taking such a position, saying Obama is being “disrespectful of a nation.”
Pro-Israel pressure groups like J Street and AIPAC actively work to steer US foreign policy in favor of Israel.
The United States provides $3.1 billion in military aid to Israel every year even as America is struggling with domestic economic issues.
