BFP Updates- A Brand New Video Show, an Unusual Podcast Series & a Fiction in the Works

On Point with Charlie McGrath, Sibel Edmonds’ Podcast Show & a Novel to Take on the Establishment
Things may have appeared a bit quiet here at Boiling Frogs Post, but let me assure you, behind the scenes, things have been anything but quiet. I may sometimes complain about not having some needed mellow time, but then again, I am one of those people who cannot remain mellow or quiet for more than a few days (and that is max!). I don’t like things remaining static for any extended period of time. And that applies to Boiling Frogs Post. So, what has been happening lately behind the scenes? What kind of new things are about to happen?
First, let me start with our major announcement. I want to welcome a new BFP partner and his brand new weekly video show: On Point with Charlie McGrath. I have been following Charlie’s work for quite some time at his website Wide Awake News. I have been on his show, and have been one of his fans. He has been an activist for years. He is independent. He is a critical thinker. He is passionate and driven. His delivery style is unique-original. Okay, I believe we have established my status as his fan; right? I am proud to have him join us as a new partner. He will be producing a BFP exclusive weekly video series, On Point with Charlie McGrath, which will combine his commentaries, debates, featured guests and interviews. Our first episode next week will be aired via the BFP YouTube page, and it will be open to all. The following episodes will be available to our BFP Irate Minority Members via our website.
A couple of months ago I mentioned the possibility of a new BFP podcast series produced and hosted by me (The nervous me). With all your feedback and e-mails that idea and possibility was turned into a decision- despite my resistance and procrastination. I spent tons of time on various tutorials and forums that deal with the necessary ingredients for podcast production (I utterly dislike everything technology related which translates to resistance to learning speedily). We ordered the needed equipment- hardware and software, which began arriving this week. In the next couple of weeks we’ll be setting up and testing equipment, and I will be clarifying the format and style of my coming podcast series. I don’t want just the good old straight forward host and interviewee format. Why? Because: 1- I usually find those shows boring; really boring. 2- I don’t view myself in any way as a professional elegant host (it is not my cup of tea, and I’m not talented that way). 3- Guests who view themselves as utter experts and know-it-all irritate me big time … and a bunch of other reasons. I also want to stay away from a monologue style: Not my cup of tea either. So what is it going to be? Bold debates? Possible.  I guess we’ll experiment with a few styles, and let your feedback guide us. We should have our first episode in a couple of weeks. Please stay tuned.
Now my final semi announcement:  Are you ready? I don’t know if I am, but here we go. In late 2012 I began jotting down ideas for a possible fiction book as a follow up to my book Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story. That’s what I called it, jotting down ideas, because the idea of actually writing a fiction, a novel, was way too intimidating for me. I think to comfortably take on that task starts with viewing one’s self as a writer, an author. I never dared view myself as such. Call it self-consciousness. Call it timidity that comes with English being my third language. Call it whatever you wish- I just didn’t, and still don’t. Nevertheless the jotting down process turned into spending time on turning the jotted down ideas into actual sentences. Then, the sentences turned into many pages which in turn formed actual chapters … and before I knew I was looking at several hundred pages divided into a dozen or so chapters. Oh No! I was looking at something that resembled a manuscript for an actual book!
To make a long story short (-er), motivated by the truth, and encouraged by the volume of my manuscript’s content, I made it my goal to turn what had started as jotting down ideas into an actual book. With that came many sleepless nights of working; writing. Sleep has always been the first thing to go in my bewildering life: motherhood (the kind that involves dozens of extracurricular activities-soccer, karate, swimming, gymnastics, art … you name it), household, job-work … But, yes there is a positive but, I made it. I actually completed my draft book two months ago. I entrusted its editing with the only editor I trust, and put it in his hands. I regrouped with the all-star team from my previous book project for creating a cover design, proof reading, interior design, website design, etc. Now we are all looking at a book, a novel, that is on its way to you – by the middle of this coming fall (late October 2014). Don’t get me wrong- we still have a ways to go, but we are talking a complete and professional book, not some jotted down ideas;-)
This is what I mean by not letting things remain static. We have our new weekly video show ready to begin in 5 days or less. I will begin my first podcast episode in two weeks or so. And by this coming fall I will begin irritating the establishment with a brand new novel (aka fiction) produced and published by a non-establishment team and channels. And with that I want to thank all of you, our irate minority members, for all your support and solidarity.
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