BFP Update: Our New Partners, Video-Podcast Shows & Exclusive Report-Analysis Series

BFP Welcomes SpyCulture’s Tom Secker, PorkinsPolicy’s Pearse Redmond & Journalist-Analyst Erik Moshe
We are entering an exciting new phase here at Boiling Frogs Post. I launched this website with a firm commitment to becoming a network of truly independent authors, analysts and producers to serve the community of critical-thinking irate minorities-those who we know we can depend on for moving towards needed changes; those who truly count: ‘You.’
We have been doing exactly that since our inception, and doing so slowly but with sure steps. Our website has evolved from a one-woman small forum to a multi-faceted network of stellar and independent authors, analysts and producers showcasing one-of-a-kind reports, podcast and video programs, editorial cartoons and analyses.
I am truly honored to announce and introduce our new partners and soon-to-begin reports and multimedia programs - which will be available exclusively to BFP member activists:
SpyCulture’s Tom Secker
I am sure many of you are familiar with author, analyst and filmmaker Tom Secker and his incredible research on macro topics ranging from Gladio to significant global false flag operations. Starting the first week in May, Tom will present his exclusive podcast series on highly significant topics and controversial issues ranging from conspiracy theories to the Deep State - all paired up with much needed history, examples and contexts. The title of Tom’s podcast series: Disinfowars. Here is a brief bio for Tom, which does not begin to encompass all his accomplishments.

Tom Secker- BFP Partner Producer & Host, Disinfowars
Tom Secker is a researcher, filmmaker and the author of Secrets, Spies and 7/7.  His work focuses on the intelligence services, particularly their roles in international terrorism and popular culture.  He is based in North Yorkshire, England.  Visit Tom’s website here.

Please welcome Tom, and stay tuned for his first podcast episode coming up the first week in May!
PorkinsPolicy’s Pearse Redmond
Pearse Redmond is another name and producer many of you are familiar with. Pearse has been producing some incredible podcast shows through his site, and we have published his latest discussion series with Tom Secker and me on Operation Gladio B and related topics here at Boiling Frogs Post. He is a rare talent who combines informed critical thinking with articulate and natural delivery (and a beautiful voice as well!).
Pearse will be joining Guillermo Jimenez and me as a partner producer and host for our coming BFP Roundtable Video Series. Just like Guillermo and me, Pearse is also pro spontaneous and interactive delivery. Meaning: just as with our new podcast series Probable Cause, we are going to invite and participate in your feedback, comments and questions posted under each video episode, and structure our following episode based on those comments and questions.
We have had several episodes experimenting with the Roundtable Video series, and now I think we are ready to make it a regular and permanent feature at BFP. The format and length will be pretty much the same. In addition to our trio we will be featuring rotating guests- including our BFP partners, contributing authors and others. However, after our initial experimentation I have decided to get out of the YouTube forums and make these episodes available to BFP activist members through BFP’s own streaming video server. Of course we will post very brief preview clips on our YouTube channel and homepage in order to provide a general overview of each episode, but the full show will be available only to our activist members and supporters @ Boiling Frogs Post.
Here is a brief bio for Pearse Redmond:

Pearse Redmond- BFP Partner Producer & Host, BFP Roundtable Video Series
Pearse Redmond is an alternative researcher and podcaster based in New York City.  He covers a wide variety of topics including geopolitics, terrorism, cults, and deep-state events.  He is the host of Porkins Policy Radio, and co-host of Porkins Great Game with Christoph Germann, as well as The CIA & Hollywood with Tom Secker.  Visit Pearse’s website here.

Let’s welcome Pearse to our BFP activist community. I am looking forward to our first Round Table episode!
Investigative Journalist & Analyst Erik Moshe
A few weeks ago I began communicating with writer, researcher and journalist Erik Moshe. Erik had been following our coverage of issues at BFP and realized the synergy between the areas/topics we cover and his areas of interest. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 2009-2013, and his areas of interest and research include world history, international conflicts and cover-ups.  Erik is currently working on his first multi-part series of research-analysis on the issue of Drones: the history of the drone, where the idea came from, and what it's foreshadowing for our future. Additionally he will be analyzing the issue of Drones from a psychological perspective: Perceptions related to the use of drones in today's society, why drones are revolting to us, why we oppose them, and much more.
I am looking forward to Erik’s part I of the series, which will published at BFP very soon, and will be available exclusively to our activist members.
Here is Erik’s bio:

BFP Partner Journalist & Analyst
Erik Moshe is BFP investigative journalist and analyst. He is an independent writer from Hollywood, Florida, and has worked as an editor of alternative news blog Media Monarchy and as an intern journalist with the History News Network. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 2009-2013. You can visit his site here.

Welcome to BFP Erik!
For those of you who have not read my recent comments under our latest episode of Probable Cause: I will be continuing our podcast series, however, for the next four months, due to my quarterly contract work and some travel (June-July), on average we will have a new episode every other week. I love our podcast series, especially our discussions related to each podcast. I would love nothing more than to be able to do this full-time, multiple times a week, including bonus episodes based on ‘current events & headlines.’ Unfortunately, we were not able to meet our subscription drive-campaign goal for the last quarter, so in order to make ends meet I had to sign up for another quarterly contract involving analyses-translations. Hopefully, one day soon, I will be able to quit my part-time job and focus solely on BFP. Well, that’s one of the items on my wish list. As you all know, another major item for BFP is to be able to enroll full-time investigative journalists to do major exposé work. I still have my hopes intact- together we shall get there; hopefully sooner rather than later. Until then