Alan Grayson Has Been Out Of Congress Long Enough

Please help Blue America urge Alan Grayson to run for Congress again. I sense he's halfway there already-- and I was right when I told you in 2015 Bernie was ready to run for president. All the Democrats representing the Orlando area are ineffective conservatives from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- Blue Dogs and New Dems. Grayson could beat any of them; I wish he could beat all of them and have 3 votes instead of one!Right after the Republicans passed the Trump/Ryan Tax Scam, Grayson sent a fightin' words message to his supporters and I want to share it with DWT readers:

The Trump tax bill cuts Trump’s tax bill. That’s the point of it. But listening to the GOP talk about taxes, they seem to think that the only problem America has is that the poor have too much money. That’s why they feel an irresistible impulse to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and unemployment insurance-- all to pay for tax cuts for the rich, and giant multinational corporations.The last time that they made that argument was in 2010, when they tried to extend the Bush tax cuts.  I called them out on it, “bigly.”  Check out this speech-- you’ll enjoy it:

As he said, Republicans always "want a tax cut for the rich because they want a tax cut for themselves." He used Sean Hannity as a good example of what's been propelling the Republicans in Congress. Newsweek says that Sean Hannity, this man of the people, makes $22,000,000 a year from his act on FOX. That means that the Bush tax cuts mean an extra $1,000,000 for Sean Hannity. Maybe he can...  afford some anger management classes." When Trump brays that his is the biggest tax cut in history, it's false, but it's the biggest tax cut Sean Hannity ever imagined getting!"I have a better idea., Grayson told his colleagues in the House."Instead of placating these people-- and letting them spew out onto the airwaves their lies about the Bush tax cuts without ever revealing the fact that they stand to gain millions of dollars each year from their selfish desire to take advantage of the rest of America-- let's do this: Let's take that money and create jobs. All that money that the Bush tax cuts are charging us, that [money] could create jobs for 3,000,000 Americans a year. A $30,000 job. A fair wage for fair work. A dignified wage for dignified work, and a way to revive our economy in America. I think that's a better idea than stuffing even more money into the pockets of the rich. Because the problem in America today is not that the poor have too much money. That's not the problem at all. It's that they need jobs." Didn't FDR say something about that too? Take a look at this and see if you can see what I'm talking about-- and what Alan Grayson is talking about:"I will tell you, the Republicans were utterly mortified," he said referring to that floor speech. "They just hate it when someone puts aside all the 'distinguished gentleman from Huckleberry Farms' stuff, and goes all honest on them." Now that's the kind of plain talking we need more of in Congress, especially while Trump is running around doing his Trumpnocchio routine! Please consider signing this petition to Alan Grayson: