Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra Front elements will declare an independent Islamic state in the north of Syria.

Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra Front elements will declare an independent Islamic state in the north of Syria.
Foreign-backed Takfiri militants stroll in an unknown location in Syria. (file photo) Image courtesy PRESS TV
There are indications that, on the first day of Eid al-Fitr after the fasting of Ramadan has ended, Al-Qaeda and associated Al-Nusra Front elements will declare an independent Islamic state in the north of Syria.
A black flag will be raised, checkpoints set up, and patrols will be everywhere. Anybody who by an item of dress or facial expression indicates disagreement with the regime will be whipped on the spot.
Even if merely thought to be disagreeing, a person, if lucky, will be whipped. If unlucky, the throat will be slit. In short, anybody who is not an out-and-out supporter of the new regime will receive condign punishment at best or, just as likely, be killed on the spot.
This is not an exaggeration. The proponents of the new Islamic state are Takfiri, a person who accuses other Muslims of apostasy which means they can be killed. But it’s much worse than that. The Takfiri now in control of part of northern Syria are so full of hatred that not only are all Shia Muslims deemed to be apostates but so are any Sunni Muslims who do not fit into the mental concepts of the Takfiri madmen.
Of course, anybody who is not a Muslim (such as a Christian) is automatically, in the Takfiri view, an apostate and so slated for death. It did not take long for the extreme bigots of the French Revolution (1789) to point a finger at anybody and send them to the guillotine. So it is with the Takfiri whose bloodlust is such that they long to be surrounded by the blood of the dead and dying.
The information about the pending declaration of an Islamic state was given by a high-ranking official of the Free Syrian Army. He said that Al-Qaeda will declare the new state while militarily defeating the FSA and taking over the border crossings with Turkey.
Already, the official noted, Al-Qaeda had beheaded FSA member Fadi al-Qash and his brother in the town of Al-Dana, and had then assassinated FSA Supreme Military Council member Kamal al-Hamami. More assassinations are to be expected.
Needless to say, the FSA is making its own dispositions to try to counter the Al-Qaeda plan and it is viewing the situation, very reasonably, as “tantamount to a declaration of war.”
Apart from the establishment of what is likely to be the most intolerant state in history (and history is full of examples of intolerance), the situation has endless peril. Turkey, for example, will have bigotry on its border. And, apart from being destabilized by millions of refugees, Turkey will soon have its own Takfiri within its own borders.
But whose fault is that? Deliberately overthrowing a sensible previous policy of no trouble with neighbors, Turkish Prime minister Erdogan, no doubt bribed by Zionist NATO with the promise of becoming the new Caliph of the Middle East, has proclaimed, and is arming, a vicious sectarianism with consequences which may yet dismember Turkey itself.
Then there’s Saudi Arabia. Where vicious intolerance is concerned the Saudi Wahhabi are world leaders and Wahhabi doctrine and practice, endlessly financed and promoted, is at the heart of the Takfiri sense of a God-given right to kill anybody they like.
Yet, strange as it may seem, the Takfiri, who are financed and armed by the USA, UK, Qatar, Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia, have many enemies in their sights including, believe it or not, the USA, UK, Qatar, Turkey, Israel and, yes, Saudi Arabia itself. There’s really nothing new in this: Osama bin Laden’s first declared enemy was the Saudi regime: the USA was the second.
So how on earth does it happen that the West, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and Turkey are financing and arming their very worst enemies? Surely people cannot be that stupid!
Oh yes they can, particularly if, at the heart of their major policy, there is immorality and large-scale contradiction. And supporting the Zionist entity as it expands into the lands of others and implements a creeping genocide of the brave Palestinian people, is that immorality and large-scale contradiction.
You cannot claim to uphold democracy and human rights when, at the same time, you are ending them. You cannot uphold democracy and human rights when you support the most gruesome torturers and killers in Saudi Arabia. You cannot claim tolerance and fair play when you are promoting sectarianism. You cannot implement the Zionist desire to smash apart all Islamic nations without experiencing the consequences of smashing up the nations.
Of course, the FSA, in a weak position, is prepared to say anything to get Western intervention. Yet a wider war could result and Russia will resist such intervention.
Western policy, Saudi policy and Turkish policy is a mass of contradictions and inevitably resulting in ‘blowback’ i.e., nasty consequences which you do not want but which you have created. May they suffer the consequences more than the millions of innocents who are already suffering.
Special thanks to Press TV


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